Season 172 Episode 6331
Joy Unleashed: Joy Against All Odds with Carmen Leal
She experienced a tough upbringing. Abusive marriage. After her 3rd anniversary to her 2nd husband, she turned from wife to caretaker and helped transition him from the earth. After a horrific car accident and traumatic brain injury she turned to the skills that have always carried her through, words. Tune in to hear Carmen's inspirational story of hope and joy against all odds and the amazing work she's done in the pet rescue community when she needed her own source of strength and healing.
Follow me on IG: @thecoleengreco
Join Carmen's community on FB: facebook.com/rescuemoredogs
#thecoleengreco #Joyologist #joyunleashed #joy #rescuemoredogs #StrengthThroughStruggle #HopeAfterHardship
#OvercomingAdversity #HealingThroughStories #SurvivorStory #CarmensJourney #PetRescueHero #TurningPainIntoPurpose #WordsOfHealing #JoyfulHeart #FromSurvivorToThriver #CaretakerJourney