Season 123 Episode 4639
Brilliance Business TV A Conversation Jeanette Agostini
<p>Brilliance Business TV Show Conversations With Leading Experts In Business!! Thursday 16th December 745am PST 945am EST 245pm BST Join Us For A Conversation with Jeanette Agostini!!<br />
Jeanette Agostini is the Owner, Founder and CEO of JeAgo Inc.<br />
She has built this luxury brand to attract premium, high-end partnerships with individuals and businesses.<br />
As a highly sought-after Synergist Life Coach, who cultivate opportunities for individuals and companies to transitions their brand to live their true heart-centred passion and dreams.<br />
Jeanette is a Mother, Wife, Minister, Counsellor, Teacher, Fitness, Health & Beauty expert for the past 30+ years.<br />
Jeanette specializes in life-changing discovery through mastering the art of positive psychology to effect change in the lives of individuals, businesses, and corporate leadership development programs within organizations.<br />
My mission is to serve people, contribute to society and make a difference. I am truly humbled and honoured to have the opportunity to help thousands of people believe in themselves, attain their deepest goals and passion.<br />
Jeanette offers a wide range of programs and services for individuals, companies, group coaching, speaking engagements and training workshops. To contact Jeanette, please visit the JeAgo Inc website at <a href="http://www.jeagoinc.ca/" target="_blank">http://www.jeagoinc.ca</a><br />
Email: jeanette@jeagoinc.ca<br />
To watch Brilliance Business TV show LIVE, you can view here on MSP News Global also available on video on demand.</p>