Brilliance Business TV A Conversation With Dr. Shannon Whittington

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Season 123 Episode 4686

Brilliance Business TV A Conversation With Dr. Shannon Whittington

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Brilliance Business TV Show Conversations With Leading Experts In Business!! Thursday 3rd Aug 7am PST 10am EST 3pm BST Join Us For A Conversation With Dr. Shannon Whittington

Not another boring bio folks. Bottom line, I’m a nurse educator and author who loves helping people. I’m gay so I guess that makes me a gay nurse educator! I recognized a huge knowledge gap within myself and within my profession. Instead of groaning about it, I decided to grow about it. So, I went back to school to get a bunch of extra letters after my name to look smart so people would listen to what I have to say. It seems to be working most times. Here’s the tea: us gay folks are everywhere. My mission is to empower organizations with rainbow inclusion and to transform how healthcare is delivered to the LGBTQ+ community. Because as my Mom says, “when you know better, you do better.”

To watch Brilliance Business TV show LIVE, you can view here on MSP News Global also available on video on demand.

