Brilliance Business TV A Conversation With Jenni Parker Brown

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Season 123 Episode 4744

Brilliance Business TV A Conversation With Jenni Parker Brown

Brilliance Business TV Show Conversations With Leading Experts In Business!! Thur 26th Aug 7am PST 10am EST 3pm BST Join Us For A Conversation with Jenni Parker Brown!!

Passionate, maverick change-maker, Jenni P aka the Dream Warrior is pioneering leading-edge solutions for ambitious women entrepreneurs. Founder of the House of Preeminence Magazine, Thought Leader and Feminine High-Performance Maven, Jenni was named as 'One of The Top Media Influencers To Watch in 2020 by MSP News Global.

The Magazine has earned rave reviews from leading influencers such as 'The Vogue of Feminine High Performance' and

'The New 'O' Magazine to name but a few. It showcases some of the World's most respected Transformation and Success leaders, with an unequalled aesthetic experience. The magazine's mission is to prime ambitious change-makers to thrive using the most leading-edge, achievement wisdom.

To watch Brilliance Business TV show LIVE, you can view here on MSP News Global also available on video on demand.

