Brilliance Business TV A Conversation With Celia Louise

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Season 123 Episode 4666

Brilliance Business TV A Conversation With Celia Louise

Brilliance Business TV Show Conversations With Leading Experts In Business!! Sunday 11th Dec 7am PST 10am EST 3pm BST Join Us For A Conversation With Celia Louise

Celia is the intuitive mentor for women who are ready to reignite their deep sense of joy and fulfilment. The author of “The Champagne Chakra, Seven Steps to Elevate Your Energetic Frequency", and a co-author in the International Best Selling “Evolving On Purpose”. Celia’s mission is to ignite the natural joy, intuition and instincts in women over 40.

Celia’s been a successful mentor for over 25 years, and has a Masters’ Degree in Human Security and Peacebuilding, and several certifications including Yoga, Tantra, and Radiance Sutra Meditation.

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