Brilliance Business TV A Conversation With Michelle A. Reinglass

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Season 123 Episode 4703

Brilliance Business TV A Conversation With Michelle A. Reinglass

Brilliance Business TV Show Conversations With Leading Experts In Business!! Sunday 31st October 7am PST 10am EST 3pm BST Join Us For A Conversation with Michelle A. Reinglass!!

Michelle A. Reinglass is a “reformed” lawyer, transitioning from a 30-year award-winning, successful legal career litigating employment and business cases, to become a Certificated Mediator. She has a diverse background, having majored in mathematics, worked in banking, ultimately becoming a lawyer, and now a mediator. In addition to her Mediation Certification, Michelle holds a bachelors and a juris doctorate degree.

She is also a prolific speaker and author, including being chapter author on the topic of sexual harassment in two treatises, having authored a monthly column for The Daily Journal, and written countless articles for publication. She also is a co-author of the No.1 international best-selling book Women Who Empower, published in December 2020.


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