Season 185 Episode 6667
TranscenDance:Get Groovy & Get Healed:Chronically Healthy Life S2 Ep36
<p>Welcome, welcome, one and all to this week's episode of "The Chronically Healthy Life"!<br />
This time, we're diving into the power of words, folks! Ever heard that saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Well, think again! We're revealing the not-so-magical phrases you should steer clear of if you want to be taken seriously. Plus, we'll spill the beans on the six little words that can make you sound like a weakling!<br />
And hold onto your hats, because we've got a special treat for you! Our fabulous guest, Benjamin Blackett, is here to introduce us to the mind-bending world of TranscenDance™! Yep, you heard it right! It's like yoga on steroids, people! Benjamin will show us how this conscious dance modality can heal everything from physical boo-boos to those pesky spiritual injuries!<br />
So, grab your dancing shoes and get ready to shake off those troubles with us! It's gonna be a wild ride, folks! Don't miss out!<br />
#ChronicallyHealthyLife #TranscenDanceMagic #thefoolishcouple</p>