S2 E4 How Veteran Employment is Set - Up to Fail

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S2 E4 How Veteran Employment is Set - Up to Fail

How Veteran Employment is Set-Up to Fail
Veterans are at increased risk of committing suicide within the first year of leaving active duty and suffering job loss within 2 years after becoming a civilian. This is in direct contrast to the expectations of both veterans and employers, who expect great workplace success but are often mistaken and disappointed. Why are veterans more likely to fail in the civilian workplace the more successful they are in the military? What active duty supports and resources are lacking in civilian life? How do we—the loved ones, community, and businesses—help facilitate their successful transition to employment?
U.S. Navy Captain (retired) William Toti, author of “From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership,” discusses these questions and offers solutions to facilitate veterans’ successful transition to civilian employment.
Learn about:
• What does PTSD look like?
• Why are veterans at increased risk of suicide?
• Why some veterans fail to succeed in their civilian careers?
• How to assist veterans in understanding their new, corporate missions.
• How companies can help ameliorate skill gaps for their new veteran employees and facilitate their successful civilian employment
• Changes veterans can make to ensure their successful transition to the civilian workforce
• Veteran and military mental health resources, including the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, where you can call, text, or chat 988.
