Season 43 Episode 1563
S2 E17 Rhythms of Healing: Hadiya’s Musical Journey of Mental Wellness
<p>Millions of people found the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic difficult to deal with. This was especially true for children, teens, and young adults; and sometimes, it resulted in depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.<br />
My special guest, Hadiya, a 22-year-old recording artist, music producer, mental health advocate, musician, and CEO of Dollhouse Entertainment Media and Publishing, shares her emotional odyssey captured in her latest album, "My Space," including her musical performance of “Moon.” Each track encapsulates a chapter of her profound journey through the labyrinth of mental health challenges exacerbated by the turbulent era of COVID-19.<br />
With raw vulnerability, she shares her navigation of tumultuous personal and family loss, collegiate disappointment, self-discovery, and adaptation to the unexpected and sometimes unexplainable depths of Life’s occurrences. Find hope, solace, strength and resilience in Hadiya’s melodic confessions and cathartic voyage through the depths of the human experience.<br />
“My Space” album<br />
<a href="https://linqapp.com/hadiya_ayodele?r=link&fbclid=PAAaYcrb3yGv6YJzEIAKqkd225rntKexcpB6PVuU1Ix8VoR8YtIHbCab7Z8vM_aem_AbAtu2N5knQ-4HskhsxZi6Q40J6wGluanaCF0LbLULDadli5Oghm7gnGyr7X168eZWE" target="_blank">https://linqapp.com/hadiya_ayodele?r=link&fbclid=PAAaYcrb3yGv6YJzEIAKqkd225rntKexcpB6PVuU1Ix8VoR8YtIHbCab7Z8vM_aem_AbAtu2N5knQ-4HskhsxZi6Q40J6wGluanaCF0LbLULDadli5Oghm7gnGyr7X168eZWE</a><br />
Hadiya “Moon”: NPR Tiny Desk Submission<br />
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2rCYghK2HI" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2rCYghK2HI</a><br />
Hadiya:<br />
IG: <a href="http://www.instagram.com/hadiyadoll?igsh=aDNic3prdzMzOGpq&utm_source=qr" target="_blank">www.instagram.com/hadiyadoll?igsh=aDNic3prdzMzOGpq&utm_source=qr</a><br />
TikTok: <a href="http://www.tiktok.com/@hadiyashouse?_t=8ku2C0GJtzK&_r=1" target="_blank">www.tiktok.com/@hadiyashouse?_t=8ku2C0GJtzK&_r=1</a><br />
FB: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/hadiya.ayodele" target="_blank">www.facebook.com/hadiya.ayodele</a><br />
<a href="http://www.balinadurrmd.com/" target="_blank">www.BalinADurrMD.com</a><br />
Medical Disclaimer: The information provided does not substitute for professional medical advice. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained on or available through this site is for educational and informational purposes only. Please consult a medical professional or health care provider if users seek medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.<br />
#mentalhealth #healingjourney #music #musicvideo #DDLSS #DrDurrsLivingInTheSweetSpot #nprtinydesk #mentalwellness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocate #covid19mentalhealth #depression #anxiety #empowerment #healing #brainhealth #selflove #selfcare #selfhelp #loss #grief #gratitude #healthandwellness #resilience #mindfulness #meditation #blackgirlmagic #mindbodysoul #mindbodymedicine #mindbodyspirit #nonattachment #adapt #wisdom #personaldevelopment #blackwisdom #knowthyself #knowyourself #musicalhealing #DollHouse #DollHouseEntertainment #MySpace</p>