S2 E14 How Meditation & Mindfulness Counteract Racism’s Life-Threatening Health Effects

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S2 E14 How Meditation & Mindfulness Counteract Racism’s Life-Threatening Health Effects

Racism has a profound negative impact on our mental and physical health. It affects children and adults, leading to illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of cancer.

With my special guest, LaMarr Darnell Shields, PhD, the Founder and Senior Director of Education and Innovation at the Cambio Group, and author of “Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There: 65 Days of Meditation to Transform Your Life,” we discuss:

• racism’s harmful impact on children’s development and mental health,

• how racism alters our genes and causes illness in adults and children,

• how mindfulness decreases implicit bias and overeating,

• how meditation and mindfulness connect you to your deeper sacred self and the sacred in everything, enabling you to counteract the life-threatening health effects of racism.

Meditation and mindfulness can literally save your life!

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