S1:E20 - Desire & Helen Georgia

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Season 140 Episode 5137

S1:E20 - Desire & Helen Georgia

<p>#royalty #fairytale #believer<br />
Desire &amp; Helen Georgia S1:E20 Sunday, November 19, 2023 8pm Eastern Time<br />
Welcome to Gallivanting Like A Royal where we discuss travel inspiration and living a royal lifestyle. This week&rsquo;s episode on Gallivanting Like A Royal discusses Desire &amp; Helen Georgia as the highlighted city. Duchess DJ Love is a frequent traveler, blogger, influencer, author, and show host enjoying the 1st class lifestyle on a budget. Read my blog for 20 Tips to become a dream maker. Then be sure to join us Sunday night for a great discussion on making your dreams a reality. Ivy Perez, Founder of Ivy&#39;s DreamBuilder Coaching LLC, is my royal guest.<br />
About Ivy: Ivy Perez is a mom, marathoner, triathlete and passionate about overall health and well-being. She is an international bestselling co-author in three books: the Spiritual Fitness Survivor book series - 2nd edition, Self-Empowerment Reset - Our Conversations with the Divine and Collaborate to Succeed - Partnering With Top Entrepreneurs For Business Growth<br />
Certified in Transformational Life Coaching, which was the catalyst to her own transformation - letting go of a three-decade battle with alcohol - she now inspires &amp; empowers men and women who are at a turning point in their lives. Her mission is to help individuals believe in the possibility that they can create richer, more fulfilling lives by understanding the differences between expansive thinking vs conditioned thinking; letting go of what doesn&rsquo;t serve them &amp; making peace with the past, and ultimately constructing a vision that has a feeling tone of YES!<br />
As someone who is 5 years sober from alcohol, she knows what it&rsquo;s like to feel powerless against something; want to change, but not know how, or even, believe that it is possible for them. She helps you build trust and confidence in yourself. She does this through mindset, incorporating movement, flexibility, and mobility and also by incorporating simple daily success habits that allows one to live more purposefully NOW.<br />
Ivy&rsquo;s mission is to validate the beauty, power, and strength that is already within each and every person. Her motto: &quot;I.V.Y. = I Validate You!&quot;<br />
You can visit Duchess DJ Love&rsquo;s website: https://gallivantinglikearoyal.com for more information, watch the replays of her show, and read her other blogs in the Popular Posts section such as Transformation Coaching Tips, Happiness Tips, Credit Card Travel Tips, TravelTude Essential Travel Tips and many more. Join her on Gallivanting Like A Royal where we discuss travel inspiration and living a royal lifestyle. The show Live Streams on Roku, Facebook, YouTube, my website: GallivantingLikeARoyal.com, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Google Play, e360tv, Fresh Takes Network, and other platforms. See you Sundays at 7pm Central Time. You are invited!!<br />
#dreamcometrue #dream #love #dreams #motivation #travel #dreamer #happy #dreambig #happiness #photography #goals #blessed #inspiration #success #life #pro #like #artist #instagood #damiim #dreamscometrue #picoftheday #believer #damiimdreamers #nature #followyourdream #karawang #nevergiveup #music #TravelWithDuchessDjLove #DuchessDJtravels #DuchessDjLove #GallivantingLikeARoyal #TravelTudeByDuchessDjLove #ExploreTheWorldWithMe #fairytale #castle #royalty</p>

