S1:E6 A Nomadic Lifestyle on Gallivanting Like A Royal

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Season 140 Episode 5179

S1:E6 A Nomadic Lifestyle on Gallivanting Like A Royal

<p>#wanderer #tinyhouse #nomadiclife<br />
Is it possible to live your dream life without working so hard? Do you want to travel more, experience new cultures, seek adventure, or just live life more fully now? We will discuss an option that makes this dream real. My guest lives a nomadic lifestyle.<br />
What does a nomadic lifestyle mean? Living a nomadic lifestyle means living without a permanent home or address. Some people travel from place to place in an RV, while others hop around from city to city searching for new experiences. It can be a liberating experience for those looking for adventure and freedom! A nomad constantly changes locations, switching from here to there. Most nomads have some kind of place that they can call home, which is usually where their family or childhood friends are located, but they wouldn&#39;t spend more than a few months a year there. Nor would they settle down in a new home. Being a nomadic entrepreneur means living life 100% on your own terms. Being fully nomadic means being able to work when you want, where you want and how you want. This is my dream life. Now I can, since it is possible to obtain. Thanks to Christina Gawlik, A Suitcase and A Smile. She is my featured guest on Sunday, June 18, 2023, for Season 1: Episode 6 &ldquo;A Nomadic Lifestyle&rdquo; on Gallivanting Like A Royal.<br />
Christina responds to the question, So, how long have you been a nomad? After really thinking about all of the dwellings I&#39;ve called home, I have to say my whole life I&#39;ve been nomadic. It appears I had around 18 homes I lived in from birth to my late 30s, and then just ramped up what was already my norm by moving, moving, moving, and just do it much faster.<br />
Her goals for living abroad and nomadic are:<br />
&middot; to explore and learn about what life is like living in many countries around the world,<br />
&middot; simultaneously reducing my annual expenses while increasing income, to grow the savings gap and investing for my future,<br />
&middot; and to reach financial independence.<br />
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