S1:E21 - Wealth Mindset & Real Estate with Travel Inspiration Videos

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Season 140 Episode 5149

S1:E21 - Wealth Mindset & Real Estate with Travel Inspiration Videos

<p>#debtfreecommunity #debtfree #buildingwealth<br />
Wealth Mindset &amp; Real Estate with Travel Inspiration Videos S1:E21<br />
Sunday, December 3, 2023 8pm Eastern Time<br />
Welcome to Gallivanting Like A Royal where we discuss travel inspiration and living a royal lifestyle. This week&rsquo;s episode on Gallivanting Like A Royal discusses Wealth Mindset &amp; Real Estate with some travel inspiration. Duchess DJ Love is a frequent traveler, blogger, influencer, author, and show host enjoying the 1st class lifestyle on a budget. You can find her books on Amazon: <a href="https://www.amazon.com/stores/Duchess...." target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/stores/Duchess....</a> The Art of Wealth: Making Your Money Work for You is her book featured on this episode.<br />
Building wealth requires having the right information, budgeting, planning ahead, and making wise choices. Duchess DJ Love has published several books to provide basic information and a systematic approach to building wealth. Some tips are based on time-honored principles you have probably heard many times before. We will discuss the benefits of real estate and wealth building on this episode of Gallivanting Like A Royal. Also, Duchess DJ displays her content creations from many of her travels to inspire you to explore more.<br />
What does it take to achieve a millionaire mindset? Copy the habits of successful millionaires. Focus on setting clear goals and creating a plan to achieve them. Develop a positive and resilient attitude towards setbacks and failures. Surround yourself with successful and like-minded individuals. Embrace a growth mindset and constantly seek opportunities for personal and professional development.<br />
My guest this week, Lima Maclean, is a High Performance Real Estate Mentor, Virtual Event Consultant, and Mindset Coach. Tune in to learn more about building your wealth with real estate or creating your own online event.<br />
For more, visit and subscribe to GallivantingLikeARoyal.com.<br />
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