S1:E7 Amazon Book Publishing Guide

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Season 140 Episode 5176

S1:E7 Amazon Book Publishing Guide

#authors #kindle #booklover

S1:E7 Amazon Book Publishing Guide on Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 7pm

Amazon Book Publishing Guide

By Author and Show Host,

Duchess DJ Love, Gallivanting Like A Royal

Have you dreamed of publishing your story, show how to DIY, or share a hobby via a book? But then thought, publishing costs a lot, I will need an editor, publisher, marketing, etc. This seems overwhelming. I know. This was me, not long ago. However, I learned quickly how to publish on Amazon and it was easy. In less than two weeks, I was a published author. I can not describe the feelings that overwhelmed me when I held my book, with my photo and name on it, for the first time. I was so proud of myself. I didn't publish the book to become rich or famous, but to leave a legacy. Now I have succeeded. You can too. Watch my show and follow my instructions to become a published author.

How to Self-Publish Without Paying a Penny. Yes, you can publish for free. The industry has changed. You have the tools available to publish a high quality book without having to pay thousands or dealing with pushy editors and publishers.

Self-publish eBooks and paperbacks for free with Kindle Direct Publishing, and reach millions of readers on Amazon. Get to market fast. Publishing takes less than 5 minutes and your book appears on Kindle stores worldwide within 72 hours. This is how I published my first book, TravelTude a 30-Day Trip Tips Gratitude Devotional.

One of the benefits of going the self-publishing route is the ability to retain full control over your own book. The traditional publishing world is full of gatekeepers who will have opinions on the content, book cover, and even the title of your book. Keep your Creative control.

@DuchessDJtravels @DuchessDj Love @duchessdjlove

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#TravelTudeByDuchessDjLove #MoneyMattersComingSoonByDuchessDjLove

