S3 E7 - Dr. Darnise Martin - The Making Of An Entrepreneur DocuSeries - Season 3

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Season 256 Episode 8830

S3 E7 - Dr. Darnise Martin - The Making Of An Entrepreneur DocuSeries - Season 3

"From the Executive Producer, Che Brown, a Documentary Series that shares the journey of Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Experts, Professionals and ordinary people who achieved extraordinary results despite very challenging circumstances.
This is a must-watch for those who want to learn the backstory, the failures, the lessons of individuals who have achieved tremendous success despite the ultimate setbacks, obstacles and barriers. Basically, this documentary teaches the fundamental principles of life and business success from individuals that have been there and done it.
It is a Media Expertzy style documentary about everyday folks from inside the mind and hearts of the best, brightest and most brilliant thought leaders on the planet.
This business documentary is for the Entrepreneurs who have a burning desire to be more, do more, have more and give more so they can influence and impact lives based on their gifts, talents and expertise.
Be A Cast Member - click here: www.TheMakingOfAnEntrepreneur.com
About the Cast, Dr. Darnise Martin
Darnise C. Martin, PhD is a Professor, Author, Life Transformation Coach and Creative Entrepreneur with over 15 years of training and experiences in helping people create lives they love. Dr. Darnise has a life- long passion for helping people tap into their spiritual connections for authentic transformation in the areas of Relationships, Spirituality, Life Purpose, Career, Self-Worth, and Well-Being.
Dr. Darnise is a scholar, professor, published author and speaker, with a doctorate in Religious Studies. Dr. Darnise was also featured on Tavis Smiley’s radio program on National Public Radio (NPR), and has appeared on KJLH radio in Los Angeles. She has consulted on feature length documentaries such as Dark Girls and Light Girls for the Oprah Winfrey Network. She continues to speak throughout the community offering empowerment and relationship workshops.
Religions, and the personal development book, 40 Something: 10 Radical Lessons for Women on How To Live and Love Without Losing Themselves.
Her coaching has helped others gain clarity, be more confident, find their perfect partners and heal the obstacles holding them back from living empowered abundant lives. Her philosophy is that Success is a Spiritual Thing. Visit Dr. Darnise at www.drdarnise.com "

