Season 257 Episode 8892
S4 E25 - Daria Rosen - The Making Of An Entrepreneur DocuSeries
"From the Executive Producer, Che Brown, a Documentary Series that shares the journey of Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Experts, Professionals and ordinary people who achieved extraordinary results despite very challenging circumstances.
This is a must-watch for those who want to learn the backstory, the failures, the lessons of individuals who have achieved tremendous success despite the ultimate setbacks, obstacles and barriers. Basically, this documentary teaches the fundamental principles of life and business success from individuals that have been there and done it.
It is a Media Expertzy style documentary about everyday folks from inside the mind and hearts of the best, brightest and most brilliant thought leaders on the planet.
This business documentary is for the Entrepreneurs who have a burning desire to be more, do more, have more and give more so they can influence and impact lives based on their gifts, talents and expertise.
Be A Cast Member - click here: www.TheMakingOfAnEntrepreneur.com
About the Cast, Daria Rosen
NO! You’re not going crazy! It’s called perimenopause. Author Daria Rosen has been there, done that and now she’s written the book on it.
As the self-appointed “Perimenopause Solutionist” and founder of Age Gracefully Inside and Out, Daria educates and supports women in the prime of their lives on their perimenopause journeys. Her guidance helps them recognize and address premenopausal symptoms and restore balance to their physical and mental well- being.
Daria’s solution-driven approach is powered by her background as an MBA with 20+ years of experience in the medical IT field. Translation: she knows how to make big concepts bite-sized and easy to understand. That’s why her straight, no- chaser book, Perimenopause – What Your Mother and Girlfriends Did Not Tell You, is the leading guide for women seeking support through the biggest change of their lives.
As an in-demand speaker, Daria shows women how to recognize perimenopausal symptoms and face them head-on with confidence and joy. While her greatest work is helping women embrace their next chapter, she is also proud of being a TEDx panelist, sharing her message internationally and publishing her first solo book after the age of 60, before going on to publish several more.
Visit www.dariarosen.com to have Daria break the taboo around perimenopause at your next event."