Season 257 Episode 8896
S4 E7 - DB Bedford - The Making Of An Entrepreneur DocuSeries
"From the Executive Producer, Che Brown, a Documentary Series that shares the journey of Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Experts, Professionals and ordinary people who achieved extraordinary results despite very challenging circumstances.
This is a must-watch for those who want to learn the backstory, the failures, the lessons of individuals who have achieved tremendous success despite the ultimate setbacks, obstacles and barriers. Basically, this documentary teaches the fundamental principles of life and business success from individuals that have been there and done it.
It is a Media Expertzy style documentary about everyday folks from inside the mind and hearts of the best, brightest and most brilliant thought leaders on the planet.
This business documentary is for the Entrepreneurs who have a burning desire to be more, do more, have more and give more so they can influence and impact lives based on their gifts, talents and expertise.
Be A Cast Member - click here: www.TheMakingOfAnEntrepreneur.com
About the Cast, DB Bedford
DB Bedford, also known as ""The Ei Guy,"" is a remarkable Emotional Intelligence (Ei) Performance Coach who specializes in facilitating training workshops and leadership coaching. DB is set apart from his contemporaries by his unique blend of empirical knowledge and real-life experiences attained growing up in the ever challenging streets of
Oakland, California.
DB’s ability to practice Emotional Intelligence transformed him from being an ex-felon to becoming gainfully employed by the same probation department where he was once incarcerated. After 17 years of service, he decided to change careers and become a full- time entrepreneur.
There comes a time in life when you must realize that most, if not all, of your poor decisions or lack of judgment come from being in your feelings and not knowing how to manage your reactions. The leading solution to taking your power back is mastering the skill of Emotional Intelligence.
One of DB's groundbreaking literary contributions to the Emotional Intelligence field is the comprehensive Ei Interactive Playbook. This trailblazing interactive playbook, coupled with DB’s dynamic coaching and training techniques, transforms the dynamics and environments of the workplace, school, home and community by engaging people in interactive exercises and thought-provoking discussions encompassing the diversity of personality styles and the art of communication.
Throughout DB’s career, he has successfully coached and trained professionals in a diverse range of sectors including healthcare, law enforcement, education, technology, and non-profit organizations. His expertise extends across both the private and public sectors which makes him a versatile and in demand expert in the field."