Season 119 Episode 13117
S1E44 Finding the Clown Within with Angie Wakeman
We all have a hidden clown. Find out why it doesn't take talent or skill to be happy.
Angie Wakeman was a tour de force.
8:00 About clowning
13:00 The stage of unknowing is more than improv
15:25 Three rules of clowning
17:23 Honoring relationships
18:24 Letting go of 'shoulds'
19:58 Impact of clowning
22:00 Stuck-ness & safety
24:50 About her work
25:59 Recognizing clowning when it is working
32:30 Exercises for a business setting
35:00 A real demonstration
39:00 Speaking the truth
39:40 Becoming more
42:00 About dissolving & freedom
44:00 Essence of Angie
45:30 Her recommendations
Note: Her website is clowns-truly.com