Season 117 Episode 4172
The Relationship Pivot
Barbie Ladeveze, a former corporate professional turned relationship and divorce
strategist, who offers unique insights and perspective in family law, relationships and
personal growth. Rooted in authenticity, integrity, and respect, her expertise is a beacon
for those seeking confidence, love, joy, and inner peace. With a foundation of self-
reflection and empowerment, she’s the trusted authority guiding countless individuals
toward fulfilling relationships and self-discovery. Her journalistic journey began with a
passion for understanding human connection, now honed into a transformative blend of
personal experience and professional knowledge, Barbie has emerged as a sage,
helping others embrace life on their terms.
She calls San Diego, California her home and where she gracefully juggles her
business, her cherished daughter, and her adorable Golden Retriever. Dive deeper into
her world at BarbieLadeveze.com and join her in an extraordinary journey of self-
empowerment and transformation.