Season 163 Episode 5857
Love Illuminated Summit 3 - Kindness
Lighting the World with Acts of Compassion
"Kindness is a priceless free gift, its true reward lies not in receiving, but in witnessing the acceptance and love it sparks in the hearts of those who receive it." Written by Sanet Van Breda
Kindness is a universal language that transcends boundaries and cultures. It's a simple yet profound gesture that involves showing compassion, empathy, and goodwill towards others without expecting anything in return.
Your Host Sanet Van Breda
Sanet Van Breda I am a Speaker/Author/Mentor/Coach. I work with beautiful women who wants to let go of their limiting beliefs so that they can experience love, joy and happiness in their lives. www.selflove4me.com
• Anita La Pierre (Sponsor)
I am a loving child of God, International Best Selling Author, Transformational Stage Speaker, Advocate for the Homeless, Foster Children and Runaways, Creator and Admin of Facebooks Kindred Spirits, www.anitalapierre.com
• Anjana Lala
I am Anjana Lala, Midlife Coach and Cosmic Astrologer. I help women over 50 define and design a life that every day becomes an adventure! Take Control! Step into Your Power. Re-Invent Yourself. Start Living Life Your Way. www.anjanalala.com
• Cathy Derksen
Cathy Derksen – I am Author/Coach, Founder, Wealth and Success Coach at Inspired Tenacity. I specialize in working with aspiring authors, helping them gain the confidence and skills needed to write their stories and achieve best-selling author status. / cathy.derksen.3
• Cathy Nesbitt
Cathy Nesbitt is a Health and Wellness Advocate. Founder of Cathy’s Crawly Composters (est 2002), Cathy’s Sprouters and Cathy’s Laughter Club. https://www.cathyscomposters.com/
• Dar Geiger (Sponsor)
Dar Geiger I am an Author/Speaker/Joyologist. I work with people who are searching for substance and joy while going through life’s trails and equip them with tools and principles that will empower them when trails occur. / dargeiger1
• Dina Marais
Dina Marais is the founder of Soul Purpose Publishing and Coaching, 4-time international bestselling author, spiritual business coach and artist. She works with established entrepreneurs to unleash the potential of their brands, elevate their visibility and skyrocket their credibility by becoming bestselling published authors. https://dinamarais.com
• GiovannaTartarone
Giovanna Tartarone, is the CEO and founder of Rainbow Alternative Healing and Bounce Back for Life Coaching. Giovanna has been coaching, training, and using various forms of energy modalities to help her clients to reach their full potential, live happier and more fulfilling life. www.Giovannatartarone.com
• Kathy Mincer (Sponsor)
Kathy Mincer- I am a Natural Living Coach/Author/Entrepreneur. I work with individuals and families teaching them how to live a natural-chemical free lifestyle for better health. www.essenty.com/kathymincer
• LS Kirkpatrick
LS Kirkpatrick - I am Author/Speaker/Coach and host of Value In You Podcast. I work with women who wants to know their purpose in life to experience true fulfilment and happiness. / writers2readers
• Mandy Robinson
Mandy Robinson. I work through the time space and matter continuum to extract your precious legacy story and turn it into print, preserved for generations to come. As a mindset coach I also help you to take a moment, change your mindset and move forward! / mandy.robinson.376
• Sone Swanepoel
Sone Swanepoel – I am Author/Coach/Editor. I specialize in creating safe spaces for women who are seeking to break through barriers, overcome obstacles, and achieve a sense of true fulfilment and self-belief. https://beta-doterra.myvoffice.com/en...
• Sonnette Merdjane
Sonnette Merdjane I am a Life Coach and NLP Practitioner. I work with women and men clarifying their goals, overcoming obstacles, and unlocking their full potential to be themselves and create lasting positive change in their lives. www.secretofself.co.za
• Tammy Williams
Meet Tammy Williams: Author, Entrepreneur, and Wellness Advocate. As the visionary behind Women, Champagne and Real Estate and CryptoSmart Chicks, Tammy's journey has been guided by the belief that health is wealth. tammy@womenchampagneandrealestate.com
• Tracey Horton
Tracey Horton is the coach for YOU, with a wisdom of understanding on how to break limiting beliefs and mindset barriers, Tracey’s mandate in life is to lead women to a place where they are writing their own life story on their own terms. / traceymay.horton
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