Barbara Beckley - Season 3 Episcope 25 Your Time to Shine

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Season 48 Episode 1476

Barbara Beckley - Season 3 Episcope 25 Your Time to Shine

Is today the day you say "I feel stuck with my business and how I show up on social media." Are you wanting to shift your energy around your visibility and connect to others on social media? Join me on Thursday and get the good juju from my special guest!

On the Your Time to Shine International Interview Series Barbara Beckley will be my Special Guest. She will be sharing her golden nuggets about social media and living a life of purpose. YOU will also receive a awesome Free Gift too!

Barbara Beckley is a Purpose and Visibility Strategist. She is a multi-award winning international best-selling author and speaker who uses her platform to others in living a life of purpose passion and drive (PPD). As a producer, host of several TV shows she leverages her microphone and social media techniques to provide visibility for men and women around the world.

Every Thursday at 2pm PST/ 5pm EST

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