Season 43 Episode 1558
S2 E9 The Emergency Tool Box for Transformative Self-Care
Many people value taking care of their loved ones but see taking care of themselves as selfish or a luxury they don’t have time for. But how do you take care of someone else if you’re sick or struggling? You can’t give what you don’t have.
My guests, Bridgette Arnett, MD, PhD., Board certified in Neurology, Neurophysiology and Sleep Medicine; and Mawusi Arnett, MD, MPH, Board certified in Family Medicine and Obesity Medicine, discuss the emotional, mental, and physical barriers to optimal self-care. Plus self-compassion and an EMS (emergency medical service) tool box are essential for quality self-care, empowering you to give the best quality care to those who matter to you most.
• Why caregivers and some professionals ignore their self-care and work to the point of exhaustion
• What is chronic inflammation, some causes, and how it wreaks havoc on the body?
• Which emotions, mindset, and mental or physical illnesses can contribute to self-neglect
• How sleep apnea can stop your breathing up to 120 times per hour, which can severely impact health with the potential to lead to dementia
• How sleep deprivation is a major contributor to self-neglect, illness, and can reach the level of a DUI
• EMS Wellness Superpowers for daily self-care habits for brain and body health
• Ultra-processed foods, which make up 60-70% of our entire food system, are factory foods filled with industrial ingredients that are pro-inflammatory
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