Let's Talk About Vintage Wisdom & Wares S6:E9

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Season 138 Episode 14514

Let's Talk About Vintage Wisdom & Wares S6:E9

#sustainability #Fabulous #letstalkfabulousshow

VALUING VINTAGE WISDOM & WARES Ready to discover why what's old is actually golden? Join this week’s Fab Five Host Gloria Grace Rand and “Let’s Talk” about “Valuing Vintage Wisdom & Wares”, Sunday, March 2, 2025, at 12:00 Noon Pacific (1 pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET) on the Let’s Talk Fabulous Show! Our grandparents’ wisdom and well-crafted vintage treasures aren’t well appreciated in today’s throwaway and youth-obsessed culture. How can we start valuing generational knowledge and create a more sustainable future? Tune in to learn how the past’s role can be used to shape a better tomorrow. Sharing their vintage wisdom are panelists: Patricia Alton, Una Doyle, Robyn Jordan, and Carson Shaffer. Join us LIVE in our "studio audience" and comment via Facebook and YouTube! We interact and share our love with those commenting throughout our live show. The show airs on the e360tv Network, The Fresh Takes Channel which can be found on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Facebook, YouTube, Google Play, plus more platforms to come. Did you know you can watch the Let's Talk Fabulous Show on demand by going to www.e360tv.com? The show is found on the "Fresh Takes Channel." See you Sunday! #letstalkfabulousshow #Fabulous #thefabshow #vintagewisdom #vintagewares #sustainability

