Let's Talk with Fabulous "Small Things Big Idea Red Dot" Speakers, Coaches and Stage Creators

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Season 138 Episode 5056

Let's Talk with Fabulous "Small Things Big Idea Red Dot" Speakers, Coaches and Stage Creators

<p>Join Host Tamara L. Hunter and &quot;Let&#39;s Talk&quot; Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 12:00 Noon Pacific (1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET) on the &quot;Fab with Tamara Show.&quot;<br />
This week&#39;s FABULOUS panel are speakers, coaches or have created the stage to present &quot;Small Things Big Ideas&quot; on the &quot;Red Dot&quot;!<br />
This week you will meet Bilyana Georgieva, Rachelle Babler, Dr. Sony Jackson and Jeff Stein. Be ready for fun, laughter, possibly song and have a tissue box handy too. This is going to be a great show!<br />
You will want to join us LIVE! The show will be airing on the e360tv Network, The Fresh Takes Channel which can be found on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Facebook, YouTube, Google Play and more.<br />
Yes, I will be giving updates on the NewBeauty Fab Over 40 Competition and how our team is doing.<br />
Have you voted today?<br />
✅TO VOTE FOR FREE: votefab40.com/2022/tamara-l-hunter<br />
✅TO VOTE THROUGH DONATION: votefab40.com/2022/tamara-l-hunter<br />
Thank you to all who are voting via the free daily votes or donating in the NewBeauty Fab Over 40 Competition! The nonprofit that is benefiting from the donations is the National Breast Cancer Foundation. I am total alignment with this organization. They do go hand in glove with our cause Chemo Buddies 4life and the Chemo Buddies 4Life Community.<br />
See you Sunday!<br />
#tedx #tedxspeaker #tedxtalk</p>

