Let's Talk Fabulous with Healing through Music

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Season 138 Episode 5062

Let's Talk Fabulous with Healing through Music

#Healing #Fabulous #PositiveVibes

LET’S TALK ABOUT Healing through Music

Throughout this show, panelists share personal experiences and insights, emphasizing how music has the remarkable ability to soothe and heal.

You will get to hear Char McCreadie, Cassandre Weendy Chery, Karen Johnson Stultz, Erica Hanson, and Barbara Lunan-Ellison as we dive deep into this topic.

Join us LIVE in our "studio audience" and comment via Facebook and YouTube! We will be interacting and sharing our love with those commenting throughout our live show.

The show will be airing on the e360tv Network, The Fresh Takes Channel which can be found on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Facebook, YouTube, Google Play, and more.

Did you know you can watch the Let's Talk Fabulous with Tamara Show on demand by going to www.e360tv.com

The show is found on the "Fresh Takes Channel."

See you Sunday!

#fabwithtamarashow #Fabulous#Healing#PositiveVibes"

