Let's Talk Spring Cleaning ~ Declutter & Feng Shui

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Season 138 Episode 5221

Let's Talk Spring Cleaning ~ Declutter & Feng Shui

#declutter #organization #organizedhome


Join this week’s host Kim O’Neill and "Let's Talk" about spring cleaning by decluttering and implementing Feng Shui on Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 12:00 Noon Pacific (1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET) on the Let's Talk Fabulous Show!

As spring time rolls around, are you getting the urge to do some spring cleaning? Is it time to declutter your home? Your office? Your car? What difference does it really make in our lives when we clear the clutter and even apply Feng Shui principles to our physical environment? This week's panelists include Paula Brown, Kim Julen, Lianne Hofer and Mel Mason.

Join us LIVE in our "studio audience" and comment via Facebook and YouTube! We will be interacting and sharing our love with those commenting throughout our live show.

The show will be airing on the e360tv Network, The Fresh Takes Channel which can be found on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Facebook, YouTube, Google Play, and more.

Did you know you can watch the Let's Talk Fabulous Show on demand by going to www.e360tv.com? The show is found on the "Fresh Takes Channel."

See you Sunday!

#LetsTalk #SpringCleaning #FengShui #declutter #clearclutter #openspace #spaciousness #flow #cleaningtips #organization #organizedhome #Fabulous

