Let's Talk - Creativity & Healing

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Season 138 Episode 5220

Let's Talk - Creativity & Healing

<p>#getcreative #HealingJourney #Creativity<br />
LET&rsquo;S TALK &ndash; CREATIVITY &amp; HEALING!<br />
Join this week&rsquo;s host Kim O&rsquo;Neill and &quot;Let&#39;s Talk&quot; about how creativity and healing go together on Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 12:00 Noon Pacific (1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET) on the Let&#39;s Talk Fabulous Show!<br />
How does creativity help with the healing process? What if you don&rsquo;t feel like you&rsquo;re a creative person? Is creativity only for some people and not others? What if you feel like your type of creativity isn&rsquo;t the same as what&rsquo;s conventionally considered creative? This is what we&rsquo;ll be talking about this week with panelists Karen Queller, Lisa Winston, Gary Stuart and Skip Thomas.<br />
Join us LIVE in our &quot;studio audience&quot; and comment via Facebook and YouTube! We will be interacting and sharing our love with those commenting throughout our live show.<br />
The show will be airing on the e360tv Network, The Fresh Takes Channel which can be found on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Facebook, YouTube, Google Play, and more.<br />
Did you know you can watch the Let&#39;s Talk Fabulous Show on demand by going to <a href="http://www.e360tv.com/" target="_blank">www.e360tv.com</a> ? The show is found on the &quot;Fresh Takes Channel.&quot;<br />
See you Sunday!<br />
#LetsTalk #Creativity #Healing #HealingJourney #LetYourLightShine #beyou #authenticity #authenticself #youmakeadifference #onlyoneyou #getcreative #flow #Fabulous</p>

