Season 118 Episode 4533
How To Stop Anxiety and Anticipate Instead!
In Part 5 of our 6 Part Series called, “Change Your Language, Change Your Life” you’re learning how to remove the Top 6 Words that are negatively affecting your life and replace them with powerful, positive words instead.
Number 5 is replacing Anxiety with Anticipation.
Dr. Bruce Lipton states that 95% of disease is caused by mental stressors. Doing daily, consistent work on mindset and the role it’s playing in your life needs to be a priority. It is the Key to everything!
Perception is an interesting thing. No two people think alike or see things the same way. While we live in this big world, the only world that matters is the one you perceive!
Learn 2 powerful ways to replace your anxiety with anticipation to be living a happier, more fulfilling life!
Carly Simon sang it best. “We can never know about the days to come.” Live them with Anticipation.
Download Diane’s Money Mantra Meditation: www.DianeForsterGifts.com