Season 118 Episode 4615
How to Reinvent Your Life Starting TODAY!
#Mindset #MindsetHacks #DianeForster
My guest today is Suzy Prudden. She is a legend. You’ve seen her on Oprah, Good Morning America and The Today Show. She was a Fitness and Body Mind Icon in the 60’s-90’s, a NYT Best seller, body/mid pioneer, hypnotherapist, success and empowerment coach, and creator of the Inner Mind ™ Certification Program. She was also a Radio and TV Host in NY and Los Angeles. Suzy is now an emerging leader in New Wave Publishing. Forbes Magazine says; “Her innovative approach to publishing is changing the landscape of her industry. An Influencer for over 60 years, she is, once again, on the cutting edge.” And The New York Times says, “If Suzy is talking about it today, the rest of the country will be talking about it tomorrow.”
Suzy has reinvented herself so successfully every single time. What’s her secret? How does she stay ahead of the rest of the market? We’ll talk about that, her new passion, and other FUN stories she’ll share from over 6 incredible, exciting decades!
You’re going to LOVE this show!
To get your free gifts, email: suzyprudden@gmail.com
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