Season 118 Episode 4517
Manifest Better, Faster & Easier
Do you ever feel like the Law of Attraction isn’t working the way you’d like? This week's episode is going to help you start attracting what you want and have a lot more FUN while doing it.
I cover 3 KEY SECRETS to set you up for manifesting better, faster, and easier!
You can’t just sit in the lotus position and will it. There’s some skill involved. It takes INTENTION.
So many things in the manifestation process will just fall into your lap when you get intentional, clear, and specific. Once you've come up with what you want and why you want it, you've already done the work. Now you must leave it up to the universe!
Did you catch my “Magical Manifestation Moment” Story on how I manifested my first TEDx Talk? Check it out and learn how to improve your manifestation skills. Happy Manifesting!!!
PS – Manifest money, abundance, and wealth the easy and fun way! Download your FREE Money Mantra at https://www.DianeForsterGifts.com
Follow Diane: https://www.dianeforster.com/