Season 118 Episode 4480
How to Replace Your Stress with Surrender
This is episode number 6 in our 6 part series called, “Change Your Language, Change Your Life!” We’ve made it...the Top 6 words you need to remove from your vocabulary and the empowering words to replace them with!
Stress is such a killer! 95% of all diseases are caused by stress. Chronic pain, headaches, body aches, GI issues, depression, bi-polar, manic depression, are just some of the symptoms. There’s really no such thing as “disease”...but merely “dis-ease of the mind.” Of all the 95% of diseases that are caused by stress, they all fall under conditions in the mind.
So, if disease can be caused by the mind, can’t the cure come from the mind, too? The answer is YES!
Anything is possible for you if you open your mind to the possibilities! Therefore, TODAY our show is about how you can CHOOSE to make the shift. Let’s get rid of STRESS and replace it with SURRENDER!
Words have so much power. But, they only have power if we give them power. So, let go of stress and live with surrender...it’s stronger, it’s more powerful, and it’s a whole lot easier!