Season 118 Episode 4554
TRUST and BELIEVE in Yourself!
On ""I HAVE TODAY"", this week is episode 4 in our 6-part Series called, “Change Your Language, Change Your Life.” Your life will change for the better when you replace TREPIDATION with TRUST.
I remember what it was like not to trust…and the reasons not to trust kept showing up in several areas of my life. Once I realized the person I needed to trust was ME…I learned everything I could on how to do it.
How about you? Do you realize that when things don’t seem to be working out for you there is probably a part of you that isn’t trusting…yourself?
So, today, you’ll learn how to trust as I share with you 3 powerful ways to make that happen.
Remember, you have each day to start fresh and new, your heart is your first mind, and you have all the power!!!
Listen to my Powerful Self Worth Mantra Here: https://youtu.be/4gV1kAMnNuQ
Download the FREE Money Mantra Meditation Here: https://www.DianeForsterGifts.com/
Follow Diane: https://www.dianeforster.com/