Season 118 Episode 4543
Speed Up Manifestation with Marie Diamond's Method
My guest on “I HAVE TODAY” is the one and only MARIE DIAMOND…who starred in the move, “The Secret” as well as many other films on Manifestation.
She has become a global household name in the field of the Law of Attraction and Self-Help, using the Energy Systems of Feng Shui, Dowsing, Law of Attraction and Meditation.
On our show, Marie shares how you can speed up your manifestations by OVER 33% using this one technique! Come learn the 3 Levels of the Law of Attraction and hear Marie’s “Magical” Life Stories.
I’ve been a fan of her work since “The Secret” was released and I use her practices in my own life. Once you see how powerful she is and how her techniques work, you’ll become a fan, too!