Season 71 Episode 10879
Relationship Matters TV - Dr. AnnaKallschmidt, Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Join me on Relationship Matters tv, as I have a conversation with Dr. Anna Kallschmidt, who is known for her groundbreaking research on social class in the workplace. Her work on the "Unwritten Rules of Work" has garnered a following of over 18,000 people. Dr. K collaborates with global leaders to build healthy work cultures, emphasizing that cross-cultural interpersonal skills are key to navigating workplace conflicts. Dr. K's mission is to empower individuals to embrace authenticity in their careers while helping companies create truly inclusive environments where both people and businesses thrive and conflicts become growth opportunities. She fearlessly tackles cultural taboos, sharing humorous personal stories to spark meaningful conversations. Her relationship-centered methods have significantly improved employee retention and workplace climate.