Season 71 Episode 2537
Relationship Matters tv - Takuan Amaru
The son of a Black/Native American, career military man and a Japanese woman from the countryside in Kyoto, Takuan was placed in multicultural settings from his childhood. Having received many of life's fundamental lessons on an international stage allowed him to open his mind and question everything. As a result, at a very young age, Tak was convinced all segments of humanity had their invaluable part to contribute. Takuan Amaru is an author, teacher, and mental-health specialist. Former columnist of the Examiner (Philadelphia) magazine, he has written over 100 articles on various topics such as popular culture/music, ancient spirituality, and philosophy. Tak borrows from diverse life-experiences as a soldier, social worker, athlete, as well as music artist to connect with readers. He makes his home in Nagoya, Japan.