Season 71 Episode 10877
Relationship Matters tv - Carol Leitner, MBA, Holistic Health Educator
Carol was awarded The Outstanding Leadership award from Bob Proctor's organization for her work and dedication to the holistic health field. She is Sales Director for Natural Awakenings Magazine, voted #5 in the USA for Health and Fitness. Carol also very passionately shares the whole food product Juice Plus+ (carolleitner.juiceplus.com), shares Magnetude Jewelry (magnetudejewelry.com/carolleitner), Energy Wellness Jewelry powered by Neodymium Magnets that protect us from EMF radiation from our wired and wireless technology, teaches Kripalu Yoga/Stretch and Strengthen, Therapeutic Yoga, Chair Yoga, and offers Thai Yoga Bodywork sessions, all to optimize health on all levels, to relax, rejuvenate and connect deeper connection to Self and Higher Self.