Relationship Matters tv - Joseph Olalusi, Community Activist

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Season 71 Episode 2500

Relationship Matters tv - Joseph Olalusi, Community Activist

From a Cornell graduate to a Community Activist, Joseph Olalusi was born on the southside of Chicago and a current resident of Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood. Joseph graduated from Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men in 2015 as a Gates Millennium Scholar and Valedictorian before attending Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business graduating in 2019. Since college, Joseph has moved back to Chicago to continue his pursuit of community engagement and impact.
In the summers of 2019 and 2020, Joseph partnered with Urban Prep Englewood Campus to facility a Sewing Summer Program in partnership with After School Matters called “Gambit – Sew What?.” Some of his interest today is formalizing Gambit as an IRS designated Not-for-Profit and purchasing real estate for business development in Chicago’s predominately black communities such as: Englewood, Auburn Gresham, and Roseland.
During the weekdays Joseph is a Risk Consulting associate for RSM US LLP where he has worked for the last two years in pursuit of a Certified Public Accounting license. Joseph is also a tailor, community organizer and aspiring political activist. This August, Joseph will complete his Master of Education at University of Illinois Chicago and upon completetion will pursue a Master of Public Policy at University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy.

