Relationship Matters tv: Ms. Marcie Hill - Writer, Blogger, Trainer, Author

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Season 71 Episode 2553

Relationship Matters tv: Ms. Marcie Hill - Writer, Blogger, Trainer, Author

Marcie Hill is a freelance writer and creative spirit who left her job and 12-year career in human resources to pursue her passion of writing. She’s published over 100 articles in print and online publications; 4000+ blog posts; and eight books. Her two proudest writing accomplishments are her interview with Dr. Maya Angelou and being published in Forbes online magazine.
She’s an avid reader and talker who loves sharing little known and unknown facts. Marcie has been a member of Toastmaster International for over 15 years and has presented at local and national conferences, including New Media Expo, Blogging While Brown and Social Media Chicago.
Currently, she’s completing a book on Chicago's roller skating history and gives presentations on the topic. Her masterpiece will be published this year.
Marcie’s life's mission is to encourage others to be their best selves through words, action and creativity.

