Relationship Matters tv - Kate Brown, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist

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Season 71 Episode 2501

Relationship Matters tv - Kate Brown, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist

#goals #careergoals #worklife
JOIN US: August 10th @ 4pm Pacific/ 7pm Eastern
What a novel idea to love your career! Imagine accessing your full potential and truly enjoying how you spend your time while creating income. Why not have a career instead of a job?
Genea Barnes is a Career Empowerment Coach who’s helped hundreds of people build meaningful, authentic lives and careers they LOVE. It took her 20 years of study and training with leading experts in multiple modalities to break free from the “after effects” of a traumatic childhood. And in that, she discovered the secrets to accessing your full potential in an authentic and powerful way. Her custom, state-of-the-art blend of methods allows her clients to: be promoted to positions of influence, build perfect-for-you careers, and maintain optimal work/life balance. She believes when we feel good about who we are and what we do, we evolve and elevate humanity.
➡️ AVAILABLE on ROKU, AppleTV, AndroidTV, and Amazon Firestick.
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