Episode 14 l Gaining Perspective

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Season 304 Episode 9862

Episode 14 l Gaining Perspective

In this episode of Total Disruption, Michael Libercci and Jake Clendening discuss the importance of establishing metrics and rechecking in with your overall mission to avoid getting stuck on minor details. They use the analogy of cleaning a house to illustrate the importance of stepping back and reassessing progress. Jake emphasizes establishing clear metrics for each stage of your journey and being mature enough to rely on those metrics. He suggests that by stepping back and reassessing, you can gain a fresh perspective and realize that you've accomplished more than you initially thought.

Show Notes:

Establish clear metrics: Define what success looks like for each stage of your journey.
Recheck in with your overall mission: Don't lose sight of the bigger picture by getting caught up in minor details.
Be mature enough to rely on your metrics: Trust your judgment and don't second-guess yourself.
Step back and reassess: Gain a fresh perspective by taking a break and evaluating your progress.
Recognize your accomplishments: Celebrate your successes and move on to the next challenge.
Title Suggestions:

Avoid Getting Stuck: The Importance of Metrics and Mission
Gaining Perspective: How to Step Back and Reassess Your Progress
Achieving Success: Establish Metrics and Rely on Your Judgment

