Episode 15 l Cracking the code of aquisition

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Season 304 Episode 9863

Episode 15 l Cracking the code of aquisition

The show segment focuses on the critical business metric of cost of acquisition (COA). The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding this number and how it impacts a business's profitability. They highlight that a high COA, around 70%, might indicate technical profitability but isn't sustainable. They suggest that a healthy COA should ideally be around 30%. The episode concludes with a call to action to visit the Total Disruption website for more information.

Possible Show Titles

""Decoding Your Cost of Acquisition: The Path to Real Profitability"" - This title directly reflects the show's core topic and emphasizes the importance of COA for business success.
""The 30% Rule: Mastering Your Cost of Acquisition for Sustainable Growth"" - This title highlights the ideal COA benchmark mentioned in the segment and focuses on the concept of sustainable growth.
""From Disruption to Dollars: Cracking the Code of Cost of Acquisition"" - This title connects the show's theme of disruption with the practical aspect of managing COA for financial success.

