Bathrobe Moments begins the week with a bang! The incredible Diana Tyson joins the show!

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Season 47 Episode 10776

Bathrobe Moments begins the week with a bang! The incredible Diana Tyson joins the show!

Diana is an energy healing (Reiki/ Seichem, Egyptian Cartouche) therapist and teacher who has created her own Natural Transformation Therapy which is a holistic therapy and is approved by; The Healer Foundation, The British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA) and Holistic Insurance. 

As an intuitive healing energy therapist. Diana creates solutions-based sessions that are tailored to fit the unique needs of each of her clients. Her therapies are accessible to all and are each designed to inspire you to connect to your inner strength, peace and confidence leading you to transform the challenges you are facing to arrive at solutions. 

Diana proudly provides support, guidance, and a safe holding space for healing to take place. The aim is to increase positive energy, clarity and to create healthy boundaries for your self-care and wellbeing.

