Bathrobe Moments heads to both Sunny California AND Mexico City!

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Season 47 Episode 1467

Bathrobe Moments heads to both Sunny California AND Mexico City!

Steven Howard is the award-winning author of 22 leadership, business, and professional development books. His latest book, Humony Leadership: Mindsets, Skills and Behaviors for Being a Successful People-Centric Leader was published in August 2022. In awarding the book a Gold Medal, the Nonfiction Authors Association called Humony Leadership, “a significant work with an important mission.”
Humony Leadership was also voted the 8th Best Indie Book of 2022 by the readers at and received a Bronze Medal in the Business/Leadership category from Reader Views Literary Awards.
Steven was named one of the 2023 Top 200 Global Biggest Voices in Leadership by the LeadersHum network in recognition of his thought-provoking and leading-edge thinking on leadership. Humony is a word created by Steven comprising Human, Humanity, and Harmony to emphasize the leading of people and the need for leaders to create workplaces of wellbeing and harmony.
His book Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes. How to go from Mind Full to Mindful Leadership, received a Silver Award from the Nonfiction Authors Association. He also wrote Leadership Lessons from the Volkswagen Saga, which won three prestigious publishing industry awards (2017 Independent Press Award, National Indie Excellence Award, and San Francisco Book Festival Award). He is also the author of Great Leadership Words of Wisdom.
He is also the co-author of Strong Women Speak on Leadership, Success, and Living Well.
Howard is well-known and recognized for his truly international and multicultural perspective, having lived in the USA for over 30 years, in Singapore for 21 years, and in Australia for 12 years. He currently resides in Southern California and Mexico City.

