Bathrobe Moments is in The Heart of Texas tomorrow w/SPICEE GRAY!

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Season 47 Episode 1210

Bathrobe Moments is in The Heart of Texas tomorrow w/SPICEE GRAY!

Spicee Gray is the published author of "The Unspoken Heart" book, Domestic Violence Activist, Motivational Speaker, Meditation Coach, provides community service that is court order, musical poetic artist, and The CEO, LLC, & Founder of "The Unspoken Heart Discussion Hour on Saturdays at 7pm CET.
Spicee is a Domestic Violence Survivor who transformed her wounds into a Sword toward efforts of standing her ground in breaking her silence, cycle, and chain of abuse.
Abuse to her isn't just physical, but mental, verbal, sexual, and emotional, which can all affect the same and can lead to the result of death.
Spicee has brought abuse from the hiding of solidarity walls to the frontlines through podcast interviews, police headquarter press conference, Motivational Speakings, Court House Session before panel of judges, magazines, Newpaper, news stations, radio stations, school & university speakings, and more.
You can follow, contact, and find Ms. Spicee Gray on the following:
YouTube (Spicee Gray channel)
Facebook (Spicee Gray & The Unspoken Heart pages)
Instagram (Spiceegray70)
Twitter (@Spicee_Gray)
Snapchat (Spicee95)
LinkedIn (Spicee Gray)
About Me (

