Season 47 Episode 1248
Bathrobe Moments brings back the incredible Dr. Joe Burns!
Dr. Joseph (Joe) M. Burns
Joe Burns is indomitable. Yet, his heartfelt, genuine approach mixed with his signature, dad-joke humor makes him approachable, allowing him to capture the room. He creates a safe space for audiences to open up and engage in the money topics we usually avoid. And he believes money should be fun! He is an expert at making complex ideas simple and using hot-seat coaching to get everyone a breakthrough (whether or not they’re on stage with him). His message of disruption, talking to money, and using simple, actionable steps to achieve the impact entrepreneurs desire has been heard around the globe.
Born and raised near Salt Lake City, Utah, Joe grew up learning that money was something we had to work too hard for. Yet, there was never enough. While his incredible parents taught him the value of hard work, he also believed there had to be a more efficient way. His drive led him to work in the IT field, where he leveraged his curiosity to advance his career. Without a college degree, he became a highly specialized and sought-after systems engineer with a paycheck to match.
Except for one problem…
He was making money, but he wasn’t making true impact. In his words, “Why was I using my skills to help banks and corporations get richer instead of helping real people?”
As he transitioned from IT guy to millionaire coach, Joe discovered his undeniable gift for talking to money. Even more, he realized it talks back – and it has a lot to say.
Now he uses the best practices of both the scientific and intuitive worlds to put shape around those messages, disrupting the way audiences relate to money and helping them re-pattern their unconscious so they can unlock the answers inside of them and make money their best friend.
On average, his clients more than double their monthly revenue and experience incredible personal breakthroughs.
You’ll often hear him say, “It’s never about the money.”