High On Life: From Stressed Out to Blissed Out, S2 Ep7, With Melissa Binkley

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Season 16 Episode 8395

High On Life: From Stressed Out to Blissed Out, S2 Ep7, With Melissa Binkley

In S2 Ep7, High On Life: From Stressed Out to Blissed Out 
It’s time and it’s possible! I’m so excited to have Melissa Binkley on this weeks show! She is a specialist in the power of transformation! 
As the founder of the Intuitive Intelligence Academy and the Sacred Alchemy Mystery School ,Melissa delves deep into the synergies between cutting-edge science and time-honored spiritual practices. Drawing from her vast knowledge and experience in quantum physics, energy healing, Vedic science, and spiritual psychology, she has created a unique pathway for individuals seeking enlightenment, healing, and empowerment. 
Melissa's groundbreaking work is epitomized in her book, "High on Life: A Prescription for Bliss," and the widely acclaimed Quantum Miracles Docuseries. 
Her approach is holistic, quantum healing, biohacking, mental health strategies, channeling and trauma healing, all aimed at harmonizing the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of being. Through her teachings, Melissa guides humanity towards higher consciousness, unlocking hidden strengths and fostering a balance between empirical knowledge and mystical experience. 
Melissa's journey is one of profound personal transformation. From overcoming homelessness in 2009 to becoming a leading light in spiritual development and trauma healing, her story is a source of inspiration and hope. A graduate of OSU and currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Consciousness and Human Potential, she embodies the very essence of resilience and the power of transformation. 
Connect with Melissa at: quantum-miracles.com 
You will want to stay tuned to the end to hear the Mantra Magic of the week and receive the energetic activation during Meditation Moment! 
See you Thursday at 4pm Pacific! 
If you'd like to buy my newest book Get Your Sh*t Together - How To Go From Fear To Freedom you can easily and quickly using this link: 
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FB- Get Your Sht Together Live With Amy Joy 
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/ amyjoycoach 
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/ @amyjoycoaching 
Excited to connect and get to know you and your story and how you are getting your shit together too! 
Make Today Glorious! 
Amy Joy

