Self Healing With Patented Wearable Light Technology, S2 Ep9, With Diane Rubizhevsky

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Season 16 Episode 8406

Self Healing With Patented Wearable Light Technology, S2 Ep9, With Diane Rubizhevsky

In S2 Ep9, Self Healing Patented Wearable Light Technology! 
It’s time and it’s possible! I’m so excited to have Jill Sheridan Letherby and Diane Rubizevsky on the show! 
Jill grew up on the Chesapeake Bay from the little town of Shady Side Md near Annapolis. She was born spiritual and learned about her experiences as she studied with others who knew about them as well. Jill studied stage and film and headed to L.A. in my 20's and worked in the industry until raising 4 kids and getting into Health and wellness field, she became a Divemaster and has been traveling the world and diving it while sharing her knowledge of what she works with. She plays piano and also teaches. Mostly she likes to dance in the waves in oceans, especially Hawaii. I am a widow and have Bodhi my shaved tuxedo persian at home. 
Diane is a lifelong entrepreneur with a passion for healthy living. While she started her career as a professionally trained dental hygienist, today she is a certified integrative nutritional health coach. Her deep belief in the power of nutrition to heal the body originated from her own personal journey and the experiences of other family members. And while the food we eat plays a vital role in our overall health, there are many other modalities, ancient and new, that can help decelerate and even reverse aging body processes. While she has chosen to follow a whole food plant based diet, I recognize that this is not a one size fits all proposition. Her goal is to learn about your personal health history and then to share her knowledge so that you can arrive at the best decisions for you. 
Connect With Diane For More Info at: 
You will want to stay tuned to the end to hear the Mantra Magic of the week and receive the energetic activation during Meditation Moment! 
See you Thursday at 4pm Pacific! 
If you'd like to buy my newest book Get Your Sh*t Together - How To Go From Fear To Freedom you can easily and quickly using this link: 
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FB- Get Your Sht Together Live With Amy Joy 
FB- Amy Joy Coaching 
/ amyjoycoach 
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/ @amyjoycoaching 
Excited to connect and get to know you and your story and how you are getting your shit together too! 
Make Today Glorious! 
Amy Joy

