Season 246 Episode 8425
How To Get Unstuck And Find Freedom, S1 Ep5
In Ep 5, we will be answering the question of the week which is:Do I want to stay stuck or trapped, or am I willing to do whatever it takes to experience freedom?
My passion is to help liberate people from suffering and feeling stuck or trapped for me is one of the worst kinds of suffering. When we can get free, it’s the best most liberating feeling….but how do we actually do that. We will be answering this shortly.
I will be interviewing Laurie Kaplan Laurie is a farmer, an equestrian, a drummer, a retreat leader and a joyful dietitian. Using the power of your own DNA, Laurie coaches her clients to health and wellness clarity. She was just accepted as one of 40 riders to compete in the intensely rugged and challenging Gaucho Derby - a 500km horse adventure race in the Andes mountain region of Patagonia.
Stay tuned to the end to receive your new mantra for the week from my dear friend Kelsey Garcia at Amy joy Coaching on Insta. You can also follow her on Illbelovingyoualways on Insta!
See you Thrursday at 4pm Pacific!
If you'd like to buy my newest book Get Your Sh*t Together - How To Go From Fear To Freedom you can easily and quickly using this link:
www.getyourshittogether.lifeI'd love to connect with you! You can through my website www.amyjoycoaching.com
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Excited to connect and get to know you and your story and how you are getting your shit together too!
Make Today Glorious!
Amy Joy