Season 16 Episode 8401
The Power Of Music, S2 Ep1 With Brayden & Tate Keller
In S2 Ep1, we will be talking about The Power Of Music!
In the tapestry of your life, music weaves a thread that transcends time and space. It possesses an extraordinary power, an enchanting force that transports you to memories and evokes deep emotions. In its harmonies, you find solace, inspiration, and a universal language that speaks to your soul.
I am very excited to have Brayden and Tate Keller on the show! Brayden and Tate are incredibly talented professional musicians! They got started busking in countries around the world at the age of 19 and 17, and now have settled in the beautiful town of Los Cabos Mexico where they play in different hotels in the evenings and for events! They play in two bands -Mad Max Resistance and Da Phunk. Music is in their blood and it’s been their passion for years. They also happen to be my sons and I am very proud to be their mom and have you know them a little as well!
You will want to stay tuned to the end to hear the Mantra Magic of the week and receive the energetic activation during Meditation Moment!
See you Thursday at 4pm Pacific!
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Excited to connect and get to know you and your story and how you are getting your shit together too!
Make Today Glorious!
Amy Joy