How To Control Your Thoughts And Emotions Even With Violence, Abuse, Rape Etc

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Season 246 Episode 8447

How To Control Your Thoughts And Emotions Even With Violence, Abuse, Rape Etc

<p>In Ep 18, we will be answering the question of the week which is: Can we control our thoughts and emotions even with the really hard stuff like- violence, abuse, rape or the death of a loved one?<br>My passion is to help liberate people from suffering, and our emotions often get out of control and spiral into negativity which causes immense pain and suffering. What if there is a way to go from crappy to happy -fast? There is. I use these 4 steps called the Diamond Of Freedom everyday throughout the day and they are easy enough for a 4 year old to do!!! But can it help with the really big sufferings in life? I can assure you it does! I will be sharing a personal story of how my best friend was stabbed 9 times, and how together we used these 4 steps to navigate the situation and come out shining!<br>I am so excited to have Laurie Kaplan again! She will be reading the results of my DNA test live on the show! Letting me know what I need to do or not do in my life moving forward!!! How cool is that!<br>Laurie is a farmer, an equestrian, a drummer, a retreat leader and a joyful dietitian. Using the power of your own DNA, Laurie coaches her clients to health and wellness clarity. She lives in central Illinois on 60 acres of farm and field which she shares with her sheep, horses, chickens, dogs and cats. The land she is lucky enough to steward holds deep quiet and the ability to allow others to really hear themselves. It is in this space that she nourishes, shares, collaborates with other leaders and guides to provide a relaxed and easy way to de-stress from our noisy lives.<br>Laurie has travelled extensively and has lived in Germany, Japan and Ireland where she worked at a world renown race horse training facility. She was just accepted as one of 40 riders to compete in the intensely rugged and challenging Gaucho Derby - a 500km horse adventure race in the Andes mountain region of Patagonia. This will take place in February 2024. She is currently training both mind and body for this incredible once in a lifetime experience. You can connect with Laurie here: <a href=""></a><br>You will want to stay tuned to the end to hear the new Mantra Magic of the week and receive the energetic activation during Meditation Moment!<br>See you Thursday at 4pm Pacific!<br>If you'd like to buy my newest book Get Your Sh*t Together - How To Go From Fear To Freedom you can easily and quickly using this link:<br><a href=""></a>I'd love to connect with you! You can through my website <a href=""></a><br>Social Links<br>FB- Get Your Sht Together Live With Amy Joy<br><a href=""></a><br>FB- Amy Joy Coaching<br><a href=""></a><br>Instagram- Amyjoycoaching<br>You Tube<br>/ @amyjoycoaching<br>Linkedin<br><a href=""></a><br>Excited to connect and get to know you and your story and how you are getting your shit together too!<br>Make Today Glorious!<br>Amy Joy</p>

